In his work, Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin address a section termed Tragedy of Freedom in a Commons.
1. Please define the term ‘tragedy’ in the sense it is used in the article.
2. Please explain what the Tragedy of a Freedom in a Commons is.
a. Do you concur with the position presented?
i. Why or why not?
3. What is Hardin’s thesis idea?
4. Do you feel Hardin’s thinking is valid?
5. Do you find any fallacies in his thinking?
6. What are the applications of his thinking beyond the obvious population issues presented?
7. To what extent (if any) do you think a firm’s strategic activity should be sensitive to Hardin’s expressed positions?
8. Please identify a given firm’s recent strategic activity in the market. Do you feel its activities were consistent or inconsistent with Hardin’s positions? If you cannot find one, please reference Al Dunlap at Sunbeam.
9. In general, do you feel the firm’s strategic decisions and actions should be sensitive to the society’s well being?
10. To what extent do you feel a corporation has a multi constituent responsibility?
11. Explain the differences between the terms
a. “optimize”
b. “maximize”.
c. “satisfice”
12. Please describe a personal/business situation in which you;
a. Incorporated
b. Didn’t incorporate
c. Didn’t incorporate, but should have
d. Didn’t incorporate but might have
Hardin’s position. What were the outcomes and how might they have been changed if you had elected to follow the thinking.
13. Referencing the cases we have covered, do you feel it is an acceptable object of maximize profit or to achieve an “acceptable” level of profits and then seek to achieve other objectives?
Be logical, fact based and complete in your address of this exercise.
Again, focus on Hardin’s logic and avoid dwelling on or being constrained by his population