The movie “Trailer Park Boys,” directed by Mike Clattenburg is about two men that get kicked out from jail days before the guard/inmate ball hockey final. Ricky, Julian and Bubbles return to Sunnyvale trailer park with a plan for “The Big Dirty”, the biggest heist of their long criminal history: a dimwitted scheme to steal vast quantities of change, when it occurs to Julian that coins are untraceable. Meanwhile, Ricky is pondering taking his relationship with longtime girlfriend Lucy to the next level when he discovers that Lucy has some newly enhanced anatomy and a job at the Gentleman's Club. Later, visiting the club, Julian meets and falls for the beautiful featured dancer Wanda and the Boys have their first encounter with Sonny, the dangerous owner of the club. As the day of the Big Dirty approaches, the boys train less-than-able assistants Cory and Trevor. But before their plan can succeed, they will have to outrun helicopters, survive shootouts and face down drunken Trailer Park Supervisor Mr. Lahey and his cheeseburger-loving assistant Randy in a deadly game of Sunnyvale Chicken.
Clattenburg confesses: “Early on[…the reaction was not good. Most industry people couldn’t get past the antiproduction-value look and ribald humour.” TPB also sparked debate over the exploitative …show more content…
Trailer Park Boys is so much its own hermetically sealed phenomenon, I'm not sure it will open the door for other Canadian movies down the line. Even the actors involved have so immersed themselves in their personas, even doing interviews in character, that I'm not sure it will prove advantageous for their careers -- the characters have definitely overshadowed the men who play them. And, as mentioned, since the movie, from the sounds of things, hasn't really tried to add in guest stars, it's not like the movie can be used to introduce TPBs fans to other Canadian