Level 2
Learner Name:
This Workbook covers Learning Outcomes for: | L2 Diploma in Health & Social Care - Unit 2 | | L2 BTEC Preparing To Work in Health & Social Care - Unit 2 | | Level 2 | Diploma | BTEC | 1 | Describe the duties and responsibilities of your work role.My Current role is as a “Support Worker” for adults with Learning Disabilities in a residential setting. I am responsible for providing support to the service users, and my duties within the service include. Personal care, assisting with meal preparation, assisting with medication, supporting one to one active support, engaging services users with their environment and maintaining records (daily and monthly) for services delivered. I treat all service users with respect and dignity, and my work practices reflect and promote equal opportunities, I aware of the safeguarding of vulnerable adults, and mental Capacity acts. I have read, and understand my Company’s policies and procedures, and am aware of what to do in most circumstances, and the correct reporting/recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner, and ensure all service user information is kept up to date, and confidential.I receive regular supervision with my Senior, where I can discuss any problems, and get support. I can also request training, and my manager can highlight areas where they think I may benefit from further training. | Unit 21.1 | | | Level 2 | Diploma | BTEC | 2B) | Identity the standards that influence the way care workers carry out their role. The Standards that Influence and govern the way effective Care practices are implemented, are: Care Standards Act 2000 Health and Personal Social Services Order 2003 Health and Social Care Act 2003 Health and Social Care Act 2008 Health and Social (Reform) Bill Mental Health Act 1983 and 2007 Police Act 1997 Protection of Vulnerable Adults