The purpose of this research paper is to identify how trait theory defines human personalities and dispositions, as well as its contribution to the development of leaders. In defining trait theory it will be discussed howthere are different traits among humans, and how it affects the development of a leader.The measurement of habitual patterns of human behavior, thought, and emotion is considered to be a primary interest among theorists, and its importance will be acknowledged. As many traits exist among humans, it will be discussed as to how traits differ between individuals, and how the combination and interaction of various traits forms a personality that is unique to each individual. Given the uniqueness of human personality, the much focus will be in identifying and measuring individual personality characteristics in cooperation with the trait theory.
Traits Theory and Leadership
Have you ever wondered how people perceive you based on your human behaviors? The possession of traits continues to be an important aspect in the study of humans and their behaviors. It is commonly known as a theory of traitsthat partakes in the discovery, and identificationof human behaviors and dispositions. More importantly it seeks to identify how personality deals with a wide range of human behavior, and can include virtually everything about a person (Ewen, 2003, p.4). In essence, a lot can be learned about a person by focusing on their human behavior. It is possible to gain an understanding of a person’s mental, emotional, social and physical well-being with observation. In
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