During our interview and selection process we should be looking for qualified applicants that have a proven track record of achievement, persistent, self-confident, motivated, influential, goal driven, has integrity, international experience, and a visionary in order to take us to another level in this new chapter of our organizational transitional phases of change. In order for the next company president to be a good fit for our organization they will need to have a democratic style of leadership. We need a leader in place that will treat everyone fairly and that will be able to relate to all employees from the line-level employee up to myself. We need someone that will be a valuable source of information to all of our employees and be willing to support, guide, and make suggestions along the way to benefit us all as we strive to keep the “One Team, One Fight” mentality alive yet while achieving the tasks and expectations we set forth as the board of directors. Also, I would like for the incoming president to also display an authoritarian style of leadership when necessary to in order to keep up abreast if we fall short of our goals and standards. They need to be able
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