Dr. Eric Berne, the originator of Transactional Analysis, has explained transaction is a unit of social intercourse. According to him, if two or more people encounter each other…sooner or later one of them will speak, or give some other indication of acknowledging the presence of the others. This is called transactional stimulus. Another person will then say or do something which is in some way related to stimulus, and that is called transactional response.
What is transactional Analysis?
Transactional Analysis is the method of examining this one transaction wherein “I do something to you and you do something back” and determining which part of the multiple-natured individual is being activated.
It is an intellectual tool to understand the basis of behaviour and feelings.
Three Ego States (Parent, Adult, and Child)
According to Dr. Eric Berne, the ego states are very different from Id, Ego, and Superego. The latter are concepts, whereas the ego states are psychological realities. The state is produced by the playback of recorded data of events in the past, involving real people, real time, real places, real decisions, and real feelings.
The Parent (Taught Concept of Life)
The mother and father become internalized in the Parent, as recordings of what the child observed them say and do.
The Parent Ego is the recordings of imposed, unquestioned, external events perceived by a person between birth and age five in taught concept of life.
In the Parent are recorded all the admonitions and rules and laws that the child heard from his parents and saw their living. Likewise are recorded the coos of pleasure of a happy mother and the looks of delight of a proud father.
The significant point is that whether these rules are good or bad in the light of a reasonable ethic, they are recorded as truth from the source of all security.
There are Two types of Parent- Nurturing Parent, and Controlling Parent