In the southern part of the Pandyan Kingdom there was a prosperous and beautiful city filled with large domed multi-story buildings. In that city there was a large lotus-filled deep lake. The lake’s banks were surrounded by large stone steps that led from the top right to its bottom to facilitate bathers to enter and exit the waters easily. There were a lot of fish in that lake and a ‘Senkaal Narai’ – a ‘Red-legged Crane’ caught and ate those fish and lived on trees bordering the lake’s …show more content…
Immediately a radiant Vimana (Ariel Craft) flew down from the Holy Realm of the Lord. The Crane was in an instant transformed into the ‘Siva Swarupam’ - ‘likeness’ of the Lord with “four-shoulders” and “three-eyes” and with beautiful sounds of five-types of musical-instruments emanating and with the Devas raining down showers of flowers,the Crane rose into the heavens and in an instant reached the Holy Realm of the Lord to be welcomed into the exalted company of ‘Nandhi Deva’ (the Lord of the Siva Ganas) and the Siva Ganas for