March 21
Management and Leadership Development
Module Tutor: Dr. Ruchi Sharma
Student Id: 77094015
The phenomenon of Leadership style has its clear and visible existence from the beginning of the civilization. Greek heroes like Lenin from Russia, Lincoln and MacArthur had one thing in common i.e. ‘LEADERSHIP’. Over the years the forms of leadership has changed. Earlier people believed that leadership comes from birth but now a time has come where organizations try to make every person a leader for the overall development of the organization. Leadership is the only tool to mould people’s mind and direct towards a common goal. ‘Effective Leadership is the soul factor in the success of an organization’. The dimensions of leadership are huge, so it becomes imperative to use it wisely. This paper has tried to elucidate the leadership concepts and how efficiently and positive directionally one should use it.
(Stone, A. and Patterson, K., 2005)
This paper concentrates on evolution and development of leadership and then gradually focuses on the style which is the best suited in contemporary management. The corporate climate is very turbulent, insecure and globally unstable. To resolve these issues the researchers and theorists have come up with very effective style i.e. transformational leadership style. Initially we have defined the transformational leadership style and then clear differentiation between transactional and transformational leadership style as the origin of transformational leadership is from transactional leadership and also at times both are considered identical. Further emphasis is laid upon the skills which make a successful transformational leader. An effort has also been made to showcase how different veterans think about the transformational leadership style. The criticism made on the above style by various scholars and justification given on it has been portrayed.
To describe
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