One example of something teachers have in common is they all expect you to be MMS. MMS stands for Motivated Mature and Strong. If you are being MMS you can get rewarded with a Pride Card.
A Pride Card is like a Star Ticket but better. Every time you turn in a Pride Card you get a small prize
(a pencil, sucker, etc.) . Then, you get entered into a weekly drawing and a monthly drawing. In the weekly and monthly drawings you can win bigger prizes (gift cards, locker decorations,etc.) .
Another reward you can get is student of the month. If you are being MMS teachers can nominate you and when they have an assembly you can go up and get your prize.
There will be lots of gossip and some really malicious (mean) rumors floating around. Ignore rumors, even when they’re about you, and if anyone talks or asks you about a rumor, tell them to ignore it and not spread it around.
Although the transition from elementary school to middle school can be hard, it can also be fun because you have the opportunity to make new friends from other schools. I know you will make it! Just remember, YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!