Every student is different in their educational needs and some students need to be challenged more often than others. This is why having high school class options is the optimal setup for middle school. Personally, I was able to take high school math and science courses during middle …show more content…
school because my academic team coach recommended me to take them. I excelled in middle school by taking high school classes, while my classmates fell farther behind as they were limited to general classes such as eighth grade science. The goal is to design an education plan to fit every individual and by giving all middle schoolers the opportunity to take high school courses, each middle schooler is either taking general or advanced classes depending on their needs.
Giving middle schoolers this opportunity to take high school courses also gives students an abundance of time to focus on their interests and to ultimately develop themselves. By taking high school courses, I quickly fell in love with biology, the science of life. Because I had experience with this course in middle school, I knew to schedule biology based courses, so that I could further my knowledge in a subject that I love. If all middle schoolers are given this opportunity, than more students will find their interests so that they can develop these interests into career paths.
The educational change that I would endorse is the administration of more freedom in middle schoolers schedules by allowing them to take courses that suit them.
If advanced students need a rigorous schedule to challenge them, then they should have the ability to challenge themselves with high school level work. Middle school is a stressful experience for many students because they no longer have individual attention that is given to them in elementary school. Therefore, their schedule becomes identical with the other students, regardless of their needs. That’s why middle schoolers should have the ability to take more rigorous courses which makes their schedule specific to them which also ensures that they will not fall