Imagination is an incredible capability of our of our mind and one of the things capable of is to drive our mind to desire the act of traveling. In this poem it is evident that the “train” does not actually exist but is really just a figment of imagination used to connect to the desire to travel and the train would be the means of transportation. This is evident because of the things said throughout the poem. In the third line of the poem it says “Yet there isn't a train that goes by all day” and in the next …show more content…
Again in line five it says “All night there isn't a train that goes by,”. With telling the reader that there isn't a train that by all night it is reiterating that the train does not exist but is a figment of imagination connected to the desire to travel. This is also that the “train” aka the the imagination and desire of traveling is something that is always on the mind no matter the time of day. Later in lines seven and eight it is reiterated that their imagination is running and the desire to travel si strong. Those lines say “But I see red cinders in the sky, And I hear its engine screaming” seeing red cinders is really visualizing or imagining the new places and possibilities. While they are still imagining new …show more content…
In lines nine and ten it says “My heart is warm with friends make, And better friends I’ll not be knowing:”. Where it it talks about “Better friends I’ll not be knowing;” it shows that the traveler is imagining the new possibilities, destinations and memories ahead that they are intending on pursuing. In doing so they are aware that people will left behind. While other potential “great friends” will not be made because the traveler will move on before that connection can be made. It is only through the thoughts, imagination and desire to travel that makes the traveler aware of this. In the end although friends make their heart feel warm, the only desire is to