Before this Documentary, I did not know much about Native Americans. I have a few friends that are Native American decent, but they lived their life a lot like I lived mine. I knew what I saw in the movies, and I knew reservations were not the happiest places to live. I just never thought about the reasons …show more content…
why, and how the Government played a huge role in the poverty.
The media does a bad job at showing American people what the Native American culture is really like. The media makes Native Americans out to be bandits. There was a new clip in the documentary that called a group of Native Americans a “band.” You hear stories about the crime rates on the reservations. You also hear how bad the poverty is. You never hear that the American Government is not doing what they should be to take care of the Native Americans.
Trudell said in his documentary, “The American Government has been practicing a policy of taking what they need from the Indian People anytime they want to do so.” I completely agree with what Trudell said. Throughout history this has been the case. Throughout history, Native Americans have been stripped of their homes, culture and freedom. It is still going on today.
During this documentary Trudell states that he believe the American people don’t really know that this discrimination is happening, which is why he believes the government is getting away with it. I think this is true. I believe that many people do not really think about the Native American People. People all over the country, myself included, are blaming the government for over spending. They are not happy with the way the government is running the country. Why is it so hard to blame the government for the issues surrounding the Native Americans?
To answer my question, I think the media and movies play a big role in this. As I stated before, the media makes Native Americans out to be savages. I have not read much about the Native Americans, but what I have read always puts them in the position of the bad guy. When in reality, they just want a safe and happy life. We have taken so much from them, it is only fair that they feel like their culture in respected.
Trudell is correct, Americans are not very knowledgeable on the lifestyles of the different Native American Tribes. Most people only know what they see in movies. Some movies, like Dances With Wolves, put Native Americans in a good light. The movie values their culture and traditions. Other movies, like Twilight or Pocahontas depict Native Americans as good. The only problem is that they do not really value their life or beliefs. They fantasize it, and for many people it seems like a silly children’s story. Americans never really see the good Native Americans do, unless they know someone from a tribe.
When it comes to hegemony, I think that it depends on culture.
Race does play an important role, but there are many examples of hegemony that surround culture. An example I can think of is Africa. There are many tribes in Africa that are African American and some are more powerful than others. There cultures are different. Native Americans and Americans are from a different race, but more importantly it is a different culture. Americans were able to advance with technology quicker than Native Americans. Making Americans more powerful, so they were able to control the Native Americans.
I think if Native Americans controlled the media, Americans would be able to see how horrible their life can be. They would also be able to see the responsibilities the United States Government has, but is not holding up. Crimes against their people, especially ones that were done on Trudell’s family would not go unsolved.
I do not think Trudell walked. I think he has always stayed true to himself and his Native American heritage. People like Trudell should be heard. Americans should be given the opportunity to know more about the Native American Culture. If more was known about the culture, maybe the issues could be