True Masculinity
Because we live in a society where men and women are expected to behave in specific ways to fit-in, we have created a civilization of division, marginalization, discrimination, relegation and many other things that affect vulnerable groups like women, LGBTQ, minority groups, etc. In our society, we actually violate young boys rights and denied them their right to own identity, we internalize the message of true masculinity as being aggressive, dominant, strong, should never show emotions because that is a sign of weakness, if a boy behave otherwise he is seem as wimp, gay, or fragile. On the other hand, we teach young girl to be submissive, caregivers, responsible, clean, dress like a lady, and to always look and listen for male advices as
they are more experience and confidence. As result, we continue to see discrimination among against women, lacking opportunities of economic and social advances, and creating a superior and inferior sex where men hold the power in any possible way.