
Trump's Two Main Parties And One Sub-Party

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Trump's Two Main Parties And One Sub-Party
Trump's choices of personal pronouns and deixis are very important. In regard to this, Trump divides the pronouns of his texts into two main parties and one sub- party. The first is the "we" party that refers to poor, innocent, working Americans and American citizen. Trump connects himself with this group by using "we", "I" and "Trump Administration" . The use of first person plural "we" in the text is used to give the impression to the listener that Trump is part of these working poor people. He tries to weave his existence and identity of the common people. The problem with this is that Trump is not part of the poor common people. On the other hand, Trump tries to disconnect himself from the other party, although he is closer to them rather …show more content…
Trump uses the pronoun "those", and "they" referring to the second party which Trump is trying to distance himself from. In addition to this, he has a sub - party, which consists of illegal immigrants, African- Americans, and Hispanic workers. Trump connects this sub- group to the second party to clear an idea that by supporting them you are supporting terrorists and criminal. Moreover, he attaches Hillary Clinton’s name to the previous president, Obama, which is a deliberate move to show that both of them are using the same strategies, and according to trump those strategies bring nothing but terror to America. "President Obama and Hillary Clinton have engaged in gross dereliction of duty by surrendering the safety of the American people to open borders. President Obama and Hillary Clinton support Sanctuary Cities, they support catch-and-release on the border, they support visa overstays, they support the release of dangerous criminals from detention – and they support unconstitutional executive

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