Relativism- there are no absolute of any kind, but that everything, especially morality, is relative to specific cultures, groups or even individuals.
Proposition- A meaningful statement that asserts or claims something about reality and that has the characteristics of being true or false.
Truth- applies only to propositions. Describes state of affairs that was, that is, or will be actual.
Falsity- applies only to propositions. Describes a state of affairs that was not, that is not, or will not be actual.
State of Affairs- an occurrence or situation that either is or is not actual.
Anthropological facts cited in support of cultural absolutism and relativism is:
Cultural absolutism 1) Similar moral principles exist in all societies. 2) People in all cultures have similar needs. 3) There are a great many similarities in situations and relationships existing in all cultures. 4) There are many similarities in sentiments, emotions, and attitudes.
Cultural relativism 1) There is extreme variation in customs, manners, taboos, religions, and so on, from culture to culture. 2) Moral beliefs and attitudes of human beings are learned essentially from their cultural environments. 3) People in different cultures tend to believe that their morality is the one true morality.
The different types of propositions are: 1) Analytic Proposition. These are truths that are known to be absolute because we know the definitions and meaning of words. 2) Internal Sense. These are propositions we know to be true merely because we have the experience. We alone truly know our own internal state. 3) External Sense. These are propositions that describe a state of affairs that occurs in the external world of which we have evidence through our external senses. 4) Moral Proposition. These are