A Tryst with Destiny – An analysis
“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge,” Just before midnight hour on the 14th of August Jawerharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, speaks these words of poetry and sends India into its first day of freedom.
The speech Prime Minister Nehru gives in August 1947, which makes India a country of its own and frees it from the English rule. This speech differs from so many others speeches given by prime ministers all over the world, because Nehru does not bring that many political factors into it. In fact this speech seems more like a piece of poetry celebrating India as land of beauty and its people capable of standing united and achieve greatness.
Though the speech is poetic, so much that you might forget its purpose, if you look closely, you can see that Nehru is not only praising his country and countrymen, but is using clear technics to draw in the people of India and to stand united as this new nation.
As a very clear example, that fills most of Nehru’s speech, is the poetics phrases that Nehru is constantly using. This poetry and plans for the future, brings India together by giving them something to stand together about. Nehru goes specifically after this, when he calls India “she” in the sentence “Through good and ill fortune alike she has never lost sight of the quest or forgotten the ideals whish gave her strength” Nehru gives India a well-deserved boost of national felling and confidence, which was much needed since India might have lost that feeling after the long years as a colony and the devastating war that had just past. This feeling of nationality sprung from the appeal of pathos. Again notable when Nehru calls his listeners “brothers and sisters”, even if they are now two countries, Pakistan and India. Talking to the emotions of the listeners, which characterizes Nehru’s speech, overshadows the lack of solid