The tsar bomba is a nuclear weapon created by the USSR its true name is the RDS-220 (big ivan). To put the bomb into perspective the tsar bomb is almost 6667 times more powerful than little boy. Even though it's true payload is 100 mt the only tested one was 50 mt due to making lead paneling on the bomb. The tested bomb created a crater on the Island of Novaya Zemlya that if you look at from a bird's eye view you will mistake it for a giant lake!
The problem with this bomb is it can affect the user's country as well as the enemy's.
To brake the bomb down we have to start with the initial explosion. First when detonated the fireball would be 4.92 miles in radius burning everything to a crisp within there and a little out too, also there would be a radiation radius of 4.34 miles without treatment 50 to 90% of the people would die. The airplast from this would be 20 psi for 6.28 miles severely damaging heavily built …show more content…
That is just one example of the bomb even though there was an estimated 3 made if there were to be nuclear war those the bombs alone can cause at least 5,000,000 deaths that doesn't even include hydrogen bombs, nuclear bombs ,etc. Nuclear war with these would be the most devastating war. There doesn't even have to be a war just one mistake and millions would die making that the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Also the only country that owns this is the USSR which is a communist government so if there is a war between america and the USSR they have the