
The Controversial Decision: The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb

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The dropping of the atomic bomb was possibly the most debated topic undertaken by Harry Truman and the United States government in 1945. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan, fighting in the Pacific reached terrifying levels as Allied forces systematically destroyed Japan. Despite how potent these forces were, the cost of human life was sickeningly high. This “problem” had a controversial solution- the atomic bomb. Upon becoming president, Truman had the final decision pertaining to the dropping of the weapon. His affirmative decision was justified due to the detailed planning, debate, regulation, and pure necessity that went into the decision as shown through primary source documents.
To discuss the possibility of the dropping of
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Multiple meetings were held and numerous copies of General L. R. Groves memorandum, which detailed the event, were sent to important figures in the discussion of the atomic bomb. The decision to drop the bomb was not a hasty one- planning began before May of 1945. Seventy accredited individuals in the field of atomic study were educated enough about the prospect of the event that they could send a petition to President Truman supporting the use of the bomb. Due to the planning the adjudged the potential damage of the bomb, the power of this new weapon was understood before its use against Japan. Truman’s statement that “it was the most terrible thing ever discovered” is proof of that. Reverberation, environmental impact, psychological devastation, estimated death tolls, and overall suffering was well known. The planning also extended to the considerations of various uses of the bomb against Japan. The U.S did not simply point a name on a list or simply see which location would kill the most people. They were strategic and examined every avenue of action. Civilian populations were an area of extreme debate due to ethical restraints as the devastation needed to be concentrated on a military …show more content…

The following of these regulations was an extra step that Truman did not have to take when making his decision; in order to still follow ethical guidelines and to end the war with as few casualties as possible he did this. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets and clearly identifiable. The extreme planning meant that civilians would not be bombed due to miliary negligence and Franklin Roosevelt’s plea for ethical warfare was followed because neither city was unfortified. “Armed forces shall in no event, and under no circumstances, undertake the bombardment from the air of civilian populations or of unfortified

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