The ultimate decision on where to drop the bomb was Hiroshima. Hiroshima was primary target due to it being largely untouched by bomb raids and the bombs effects could clearly be measured. Taking this in account, visual, instead of radar, bombing would be used to drop the bomb that way pictures of the bombs damage could be taken. President Truman had hoped for a true military target to drop the bomb on, going back to the whole principal of revenge, but some advisors believed and assured him that bombing an urban area might weaken the fight will of the Japanese people. Hiroshima was a major port and military headquarters making it a strategic target to
The ultimate decision on where to drop the bomb was Hiroshima. Hiroshima was primary target due to it being largely untouched by bomb raids and the bombs effects could clearly be measured. Taking this in account, visual, instead of radar, bombing would be used to drop the bomb that way pictures of the bombs damage could be taken. President Truman had hoped for a true military target to drop the bomb on, going back to the whole principal of revenge, but some advisors believed and assured him that bombing an urban area might weaken the fight will of the Japanese people. Hiroshima was a major port and military headquarters making it a strategic target to