In “Confessions of a Sociopath”, the author points out the symptoms of sociopath, such as, self-interested, enemy-reckless, suffering poor precautionary controls, never learning their lesson, none responsibility for their action. In this article, M.E. Thomas is a teenager who is suffering with sociopath. She becomes famous after writing a book about herself. But no one knows that behind that person, M.E. has another of herself. She proofs that she is not the only one in this world who has sociopath, and she believes she can live with it. However, sometimes she has a feeling that she really wants to hurt someone. According the text book, page 140, they explain that sociopath is a personal disorder. They believe it is caused by emotional deprivation, such as, lacking of love in childhood, or being brainwashed by television, and also genetic. Also, in the text book, it said some crimes relate to personal disorder. The criminals sometimes don’t even realize what they were doing.
So far I have learnt so much about sociopath. I realize that it is really important to focus on what we eat, and our genetic makeup. All the chemicals from food always have an important role in our brain. Because they not only affect our physical body, but they also affect our mental condition, especially our psychological.