The movie Tuesday's with Morrie tells a story about a successful sports reporter for the Detroit press (Mitch) who sees his former college professor (Morrie) on a TV documentary, and learns that he is dying from 'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS), which is a disease that slowly breaks down muscle tissue. Mitch begins to visit Morrie every Tuesday learning many life lessons from Morrie. Before Mitch learns that Morrie was diagnosed with ALS he was a man who was afraid to show his emotion, consumed by his job, which took over his life, therefor he had no time for himself or his girlfriend Janine, Mitch was also stressed all the time in his life.
In the beginning of the movie Mitch always seemed on the move. He would …show more content…
In the movie Mitch told Morrie that he does not cry. Mitch told Morrie'' the last time he he cried was at his uncles funeral''. Also Mitch was scared of death he did not know how to say goodbye to Morrie. Every time Morrie would bring up death to Mitch, Mitch would always look away or did not answer his questions. Mitch seemed like he was the type of man that had many feelings but he did not know how to show them, and if he showed them he would seem weak. Even with Janine Mitch did not how to show his true feelings for her. He was with her for seven years, and he still undecided if he wanted to marry her until he lost her. Watching Mitch in the movie he always seemed confused on which choices to make because he was afraid to show his emotions. He always was making decisions that would not show his emotions. For an example Mitch was scared to go visit Morrie because of the broken promise he made to Morrie to keep in contact with him when he graduated from college.
Mitch always seemed to be stressed in his life, and he did not know how to deal with it. In the movie Mitch's relationship was on the rocks with Janine. She wanted to get married, and he did not. He seemed pressured and confused about Janine until he began speaking to Morrie. Morrie asked Mitch if ''he was sure that him and Janine both wanted to get married or just him''. Mitch also was stressed about Morrie dying. Mitch seemed like he did not know what he will