Tulsa officers will post criminal activity such as video surveillance of thieves, or will often post roads/areas closed due to accidents, construction, etc. They use Facebook and other social media platforms to ask Tulsa citizens and residents for help in finding the criminals and post messages to keep residents safe and on the lookout for danger or crime. The Tulsa Police Department also reads books at local elementary schools to surprise them! This helps children understand that officers aren’t scary, and won’t hurt them. Building a relationship can push them to be curious about a successful career they could potentially pursue as they get older. The Tulsa Police Department holds programs such as Coffee with a Cop, The Junior Police Academy, Cops and Bobbers, and monthly forums that are free to the public to showcase safety, self-defense, and regular updates within the city. Coffee with a Cop is done every few months in different McDonald's locations throughout Tulsa, with a higher crime rate. Officers will sit at the chosen McDonald’s location and discuss anything with Tulsa residents. Crime, city plans, and recent news within Tulsa are all discussed with
Tulsa officers will post criminal activity such as video surveillance of thieves, or will often post roads/areas closed due to accidents, construction, etc. They use Facebook and other social media platforms to ask Tulsa citizens and residents for help in finding the criminals and post messages to keep residents safe and on the lookout for danger or crime. The Tulsa Police Department also reads books at local elementary schools to surprise them! This helps children understand that officers aren’t scary, and won’t hurt them. Building a relationship can push them to be curious about a successful career they could potentially pursue as they get older. The Tulsa Police Department holds programs such as Coffee with a Cop, The Junior Police Academy, Cops and Bobbers, and monthly forums that are free to the public to showcase safety, self-defense, and regular updates within the city. Coffee with a Cop is done every few months in different McDonald's locations throughout Tulsa, with a higher crime rate. Officers will sit at the chosen McDonald’s location and discuss anything with Tulsa residents. Crime, city plans, and recent news within Tulsa are all discussed with