In the argumentative essay “T.V. Addiction” by Marie Winn, Winn relates watching television to having an addiction with drugs and alcohol. The television experience allows us to escape from the real world and enter into a pleasurable and peaceful mental state. When it comes to television, Marie asks the following question: Is there a kind of television viewing that falls into the more serious category of destruction addiction? To my perspective, I think there is. If you think about it, why do so many people watch so many hours of television and instead of doing what they’re supposed to be doing, they put everything else on hold and just focus on television? I think this is because they want and or need an escape from their problems or just need to clear their minds. In my opinion, I agree with Marie Winn 100%, and I think she does have a valid point. Television is a major addition in society and people are so blind-sighted by it that they don’t even realize that they’re being hypnotized into a trance. Television is brainwashing the minds of everyone, and there is no stop to it. It’s mainly up to the person who is watching the television to decide to turn it off, without having any regrets about it. According to Jerry Mander’s book, For Arguments for the Elimination of Television, Mander describes how many excessive television watchers described the experience of sitting in front of the television (Chapter 8). Listed below are some of the descriptions:
• “ I feel hypnotized when I watch television.”
• “Television sucks my energy.”
• “I feel like it’s brainwashing me.”
• “ I feel like a vegetable when I’m stuck there at the television.”
• “Television spaces me out.”
• “Television is an addiction and I’m an addict.”
• “My kids look like zombies when they’re watching.”
• “TV is destroying my mind.”
• “Television is turning my mind into
Bibliography: Mander, Jerry For Arguments for the Elimination of Television. New York: Quill, 1978. 11/7/08