TV lets relax to something interesting. Reading the paper is another way, but you don't find as much interest in a paper as you do in TV. Or listening to the radio in the “ seashells “ that are stated in the book Fahrenheit 451. Not as effective. Without TV, we wouldn't be brought to the amazing world TV is. But yes, it can be bad too. It can make us lazy, sure. It can make us bored, and unemployed ( but we don't want that now do we? ) but that's now I treat TV. In the book, Fahrenheit 451, you're put in the future where there is a minimum speed limit rather than a maximum speed limit, and everybody just watches TV, rather than talking, or visiting with family. Or even visiting with friends. Everybody uses the little “ seashells “, or in our case earbuds/in-ear-headphones to listen to music and the radio. Using them drowns out the speaking to each other part, and sort of ruins communication between us. Some people do this today to. …show more content…
To be honest, the only “ heroic “ thing Montag did at all in the book, was that he killed Capt. Beatty, and that's not that what heroes do, is it? He has a lot of flaws, and I can’t really say in my opinion that he's much for the hero business. He killed Capt. Beatty with the flamethrower used to burn books and houses, and then knocked out the other two firemen and ran off. Had the cops chasing him for a while, was bound to the river and countryside, and finally escaped with a couple hobo like guys, one being Granger. To me, he sure seems to be a very contempt