In my opinion, the ending of the book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, blew the reader’s mind. The ending section Burning Bright, had so much detail and explained how the characters changed in the last few moments in the book, it was a very effective way to end this book.
To start Montag was able to remember where he met Mildred, and he realized how much he missed her now that she was gone. He pictured her looking into her hotel room’s parlor walls, staring at the walls when suddenly they go blank and turn into a mirror. “She saw her own reflection there, in a mirror instead of a crystal ball, it was a wildly empty fave, all by itself in the room, touching nothing and eating itself.”. As if in that half of a second before Mildred died, she figured out that the walls were nothing, they were not her family or her friends, just actors. This is effective because it shows how mildred changed to even though it seemed she was crazy at the start, it showed another side to her and that she has feels that the readers haven’t seen until the very end of the book.
Another effective way to end the book was to link montag’s evil past of burning books with him now. The fire which symbolized how he was blind from knowledge, now represents something different, now that Montag is in the wild with his “smart hobos” the fire means food, warmth, and friends. This is an effective way to end the book because it showed how montag hasn’t just changed on his stance on book burning but also these men he just met are the first males( besides Faber) in the whole book that are friendly, willing to help him. Granger, one of the professors in Montags group talked about the phoenix. The phoenix is a myth where the bird at an old age would jump into a fire and be reborn. This represents Montag very well. The old Montag is the older phoenix, the fire is Clarisse and the young phoenix is the present Montag. This also represents society as Granger said “But every time he