This seems to all lead back to runoff, The causes of the blooms are excess nitrogen, and phosphorus. This is like steroids for these microorganism. What it does is it brings the population of the algae up to a certain extent , then it crashes due to the fact that there is no more nutrients. It seems that the nitrogen, and phosphorus is coming from farm fields, and fertilisation. This happens when there is a major rain storm which picks up all of the fertilizer, garbage, and other harmful substances that cause this problem. Roads act as slides for these harmfull pollutants that all seem to lead straight to the waterways. This can be a huge problem because the more urbanisation and building that an area can go through there will be less land to suak up the harmful and destructive types algae. These blooms really screw up the water quality of chesapeake bay, they end up consuming almost all of the oxygen until there isn't any and then everything dies. This is obviously a huge problem. No body know how long that water body will withstand these torturous and extreme die offs, and blooms. According to residents are currently trying to drive less, upgradeing septic systems, picking up pet waste, and not useing fertilizerser on there…