The war began in April of 1861 and the mindset at the time of Union officials was that this war was going to be a quick and swift war with little bloodshed and the American Union would return to form. They could not have been more wrong about the Confederate army as during the early stages of the war the Confederate army showed that they were much more equipped …show more content…
An effect that the long war had on the two sides was a growing level of frustration as neither side could get a commanding advantage over the other. This growing frustration consumed the army generals and the public as each side was only focused on who was getting the upper hand. This frustration caused more battles to take place furthermore ripping the country apart. Eventually the Union was able to grab the upper hand over the Confederate army by cutting of the supply chain for the Confederate Army and by being able to outmaneuver them when they were at their weakist . With that advantage in hand the focused then switched to how to end the war. Eventually the war was finally won by the Union with the official end of the war coming in May of …show more content…
Lee. The Unionist were happy that Robert E. Lee’s surrender early in April because at the time he was viewed as the poster child of the Confederate Army and people looked to him for guidance and strength against the Union army. When he surrendered it showed that even the best of the Southerners could not defeat the Union army. Lee’s surrender triggered the end of the Civil war, for shortly thereafter many more major armies within the Confederacy also put down their arms. The end of fighting between the North and South also allowed for Lincoln to start piecing back together fractured country and allowed him to mend the tension not on the battle ground but through