Bharati Patil
Arts Science Commerce College Ojhar Mig
Abstract- The ever increasing need for Energy for development and decreasing the natural resources like fossil fuels like Crude oil , natural gas ,coal is major concern for the coming future years for increasing population and energy relying Lifestyles of future generation. The Global warming due to Green house gases
( CO2 , Methane etc) also concern for the Fossil future and its utilization. Now its is need of finding energy resources which will be sustainable ,renewable , cost effective ,clean for environment etc. The derivation of commercial conversion of energy from the renewable energy resources like Wind, Solar (Sun) , Hydro Power , Geo thermal , Bio Fuel and Hydrogen based Fuel cells.
The major consumption of energy is for Industrial use, Transport (Cars , Heavy vehicles ) , Lighting purpose. The energy saving is equivalent to energy generation and there is need for efficient technology development is required in utilization of energy itself. The renewable energy also had limitation of available time for conversion and renewable energy is not constant source of energy at given instant of time. Secondary energy storage technologies for batteries , super capacitors Fuel cells development is the need of the time.
The Energy requirement of the world is rapidly increasing due to improvement in life styles of people due to Globalization effect. The increase in population of world is also one reason for rise in demand for energy. The fundamental source of energy today is from Fossil Fuel like Crude Oil derivatives like petrol , disel , electricity from Thermoelectric plants which utilizes coal , Natural Gas etc.
The problem with these sources are that these are decreasing exponentially with its utilization. Also these energy sources created problem of Global Warming due to Release of Green Houses
References: [1] Wendel H.Wiser , “ Energy Resourses : Occurrence , Production , Conversion “ Book from Google Book Resource. [2] [3] [4] [5]