Marion, in this article, listed several types of friendships. There are buddies, who go the extra mile for you and would do anything you would ask of them and in return you would do the same. There are the relative friends. This friend is a family member with whom you just click with. Your opinions about every family member are the same and they can recall events that happened in your lifetime because they were there with your crazy family. There is that special guy at work relationship. At first it starts out meaningless but grows into something beautiful. This relationship only last within the workplace and doesn’t usually survive a job change, but you will always have your memories. The faraway friend is the kind of friend that you grew up with but one of you moved away. This friend is the one that you have not spoken to in months and you just continue right where you left off at the moment you connect again. This friend is always there even if they are hundreds of miles away. Then there is the Former Friend. This friend is the…
We all have different friends that we communicate to. Different personalities that accommodate our daily lives. We chose which friends to spend time with or just have someone to talk to, but they still have a sort of way of communicating towards us. Our facial and body expressions show how we respond to their approach. We start to become friends, but what kind of friends are we really?…
A friend is somebody who a person can trust and confide in and most people have friends. In…
The first type of friend in the friendship is an acquaintance. This is the beginning to all basics, and deeper friendships. This is the person with whom, is only known on a pure, and basic level. The insight to this person's life, is merely an observation from a person's perception. Usually, these are the types of friends that a person may meet in school, a close family friend, or a stranger in the street.…
Acquaintances are similar to friends, yet there is the absence of any emotional ties or anything on a personal note. Someone who is enjoyable to be around, but not someone a person looks to for emotional support. Someone people see as a casual friend that has no intimate connection (Acquaintance).…
feeling. Friends, on the other hand, are defined as people whom one knows well and is fond of.…
Friendships change over time for several reasons. People change and grow as individuals. Your interest change, therefore making new friends as you get older. You meet new friends in different stages of your life. Your childhood friend may always be your friend, but you may meet new friends in college who you are closer to at that time. As you become an adult and start living your life, sometimes you are busy and the friendship changes due to not having the same amount of time as before. Distance sometimes changes the friendship…
First of all, there are the friends that you only see during school. When you see them out in public, it is like they do not even exist. Usually, you have known them for many years, and still have not talked to them outside of school. These acquaintances are nice people to talk to, but nobody really puts in the extra effort to make it more than that. You never have to worry about taking chances with these types of friends. You just talk to them in school, and go on your marry way. These acquaintances are the people that you talk to about different hobbies and class studies. Not your own personal life. Acquaintances are the ones that you will not see for the first time until the schools ten year reunion.…
The first category, the occasional friends, encompasses three friend types. The first one is the grenade. This type of friend is usually annoying and tough to be around but they serve a critical purpose. They make you look better by comparison. Slightly better than the grenade, is the jerk with the heart of gold. Like the grenade they are generally annoying but unlike the grenade they are genuinely good people, willing to apologies and make amends for being so annoying. The final occasional friend is the school or work friend. They are the people who help you get through the school or work day that you never really see anywhere else. As the name suggests, occasional friends are not the type of people one would hang out with every day.…
“Friends are a subset of peers who engage in mutual companionship, support, and intimacy,” according to John W. Santrock in the book Adolescence. This implies that there are certain characteristics that are involved. Gottman and Parker organized these characteristics into six main categories, which serve as the functions of friendship. They include: Companionship, stimulation, physical support, ego support, social comparison, and intimacy/affection.…
Having friends is an important part of life. It is friends that I share everything with. There are many types of people in the world and many types of friends. Knowing that, it becomes all the more important to select the right people so that I might have the correct friends. A friend is somebody that will always be there for me. I always have a great bunch of friends but sometimes some people are more of a friend then others. I have my general acquaintance friends and then I have my best friends. What is the difference between a best friend and a general acquaintances friend?…
A Friendship means something different to everyone. A friendship could be acquaintances friendships, school friendships, co-workers friendships and then you have best friend friendships.…
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an acquaintanceship. A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive or family relations. Although there are many forms of friendship but there are some friendship that can influence us in either positive or negative way.…
You have probably met and known many different people in your life. Most of them may simply be acquaintances, while others you might consider friends. Of these, there may be only a few that you would consider close friends.…
“Friends”, this word has so much depth but what exactly does it mean? A friend is a solid rock that provides assistance in time of need, a listening ear and, a personal support system. Real friendships are rare and far between. The relationship between two friends can last forever and pass on to future generations or can be short lived. Friendships end for a plethora of reasons; some are slow: where the two parties drift apart gradually, while some are abrupt and sudden.…