Step 1: Invite Participation
Once you’ve collected your external and internal Environmental Scan information, the next step in the process is to share this information with the individuals who will be participating in the actual SWOT Analysis. Information discovered during the Environmental Scan provides a valuable insight to what might be your agency’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT Analysis Matrix provides an illustrative way to display these data that is easy to understand.
The SWOT Matrix
The end product of a SWOT Analysis is a SWOT Matrix. Use the SWOT Analysis Matrix to record the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your agency.
Strengths and weaknesses are usually considered to be internal to your agency, while opportunities and threats are usually considered external factors.
Template: SWOT Analysis Matrix
|Positives |Negatives |
|Strengths |Weaknesses |
|Internal | | |
|Factors | | |
|External |Opportunities |Threats |
|Factors | | |
| | | |
| | | |
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