Department of Business Studies
HELP Bachelor of Business (Hons)
University of Finance - Marketing
March 2015 Intake
LAW 101
Business Law
Subject Convener:
Mr Harkiranpal Singh
12 Pages including the Cover Page
Subject Outline & Assignment – LAW101 Business Law – March 2015 Intake
This subject is designed to provide a sound knowledge of the core elements of
Malaysian Business law. The subject commences with a review of the important components of the Malaysian Legal System in comparison with the Australian and
English Legal System, the judicial process and the means by which the disputes are resolved or litigated. While the subject concentrates on civil aspects mainly commercial, contract and torts, other areas of importance are also dealt with.
Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:
identify and explain the key features of the Malaysian Legal System and compare it with the Australian and English Legal System, in particular, the main sources of law, the court system and the administration of justice;
demonstrate an understanding of the rules and presumptions used by the courts in interpreting statutes; outline the process of litigation and describe alternate methods of resolving disputes;
demonstrate an in depth understanding of the principles of the Law of Contract,
Law of Tort, Business Entities, Intellectual Property, Employment Law and
Consumer Laws;
explain the main aspects of Hire Purchase, including formation of hire purchase agreements, implied terms, misrepresentation, rights and liabilities of the hirer, procedures for repossession and rights of the hirer if goods repossessed;
explain the rules of Agency as they apply to sole traders, partnerships and companies;
apply those laws to factual situations and coming to reasonable conclusions, and