With everything happening in Ukraine it’s almost hard not to talk about it or look up everyday to see what is the new current news. I came upon a 30 minute documentary by Vice that provided an inside look at the horrific nature of events happening in Kiev. Last month Vice editor and photographer Henry Langston spent time on the front lines with protestors during a period of escalated violence due to a controversial law that criminalized unauthorized protesting. The result of this is the shocking documentary, Ukraine Burning. I will be discussing what I saw, the injustice people have to suffer through and events occurring.
Ukraine Burning opens up with seeing the berkut “the riot police” lined up against the protestors on Hrushevskoho Street, Kiev in January 2014. You hear protestors chanting “Glory to the heroes”, while most of them wear masks and shields to protect themselves. They interview a girl named Anna Skrokan, a protestor saying in her opinion the situation in Ukraine is the opposition is not doing anything and that they only say is that they’re ready to fight. Yet she points out where is Klitchko, the leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for reform. Klitchko later shows up on the
fronts of Kiev while protestors are mad at him for not doing anything and calling out for “revolution” at him and clearly not getting it. Volodymyr one of the Automaidan activist talks to Vice and talks about the movement. He points out that the activists, who get hurt and who end up in the hands of the authorities, they take them to their branch where they get beaten up, tortured and their rights completely breached. The documentary brings up to the Euromaidan SOS, a group of volunteers dedicated into tracking down the disappeared. They interview. Solomiia Bobrovska one of the volunteers. She says they have started this initiative on the 30th November the first day on Maidan Square when the students were beaten. There purpose is to
Cited: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eTuFAR169s