In Okita's poem "Response to Executive Order 9066" the narrator is characterized as a 14-year old girl who does not like using chopsticks and enjoys eating hotdogs. Typically, coming from a Japanese background …show more content…
The narrator characterizes the grandmother as a woman who prays for her children and grandchildren who she says are being raised in a barbaric country, by saying this she is stating that she dislikes America. On the other hand the narrator describes that she enjoys playing and chasing her siblings around behind the church. While playing these games with her siblings, her brother references multiple movie that are American such as The Lone Ranger. Towards the end of the story the narrator speaks of a woman and man who approach and assume that they do not speak English. This is the characteristic of a lot of Americans who assume that because of looks you are confined to one certain culture, language, and community.
In both works we see a stereotype for the American people and how it affects other people new to our society. The poem and short story both show a kind of rude racism towards new people or people of a certain race. Also, both works show just how much of a melting pot our society is and how we come together to form one nation. Both Okita and Cisneros use children to portray their stories and get their point across. They try to appeal to the sympathy we have for children and the innocence they