Today in society it mattes on who owns the newest phone or car, while we could live without these luxuries that we are overwhelmed with. We as a general population may not realize it, but we are very dependent on these material possessions to make us fit in and conform into society, as well as make us feel better about ourselves.
Americans as a general population are highly dependent on material possessions like cell phones and cars to get through their daily lives. We may not see it, but we are given the stereotype that we are rich and wealthy, and are able to buy whatever we want with our money. Though this isn't true, we do have an abundance of goods that we tend to misuse, not use at all, or spoil ourselves with. Every time we go to the grocery store, or even a regular store to shop, there is always a variety …show more content…
In order to be materialistic, people have to earn and spend money. Juliet Schor, who has studied consumerism and economic inequality, says that a rapid increase of need and desire are what contribute to a decreasing savings rate in America. Americans tend to save their money for these materialistic items and possessions to fit in and conform with society. It is a part of our human nature to fit in and want to be considered on the top of the social tier. With the purchase of expensive items after receiving a paycheck, there are rarely any well thought out decisions made, which leads to conforming and spending rather than saving. American families struggle with this the most because they have more than just one person to provide for. The typical American family is made up of two mature adults and children. Children of these adults need an education, food, clothing, shelter, and some type of entertainment. With so many necessities to their daily lifestyles, they don’t realize that most of their money goes to the necessities to their lives. Having two, maybe three people in one American household in the workforce gets expensive as well. They need a source of transportation, clothing, and they have to be able to provide these necessities for themselves. Materialism gets in the way because usually when people spend their own money on clothing, shoes, purses, and other