Passwords and personal account data obtain by illegal parties could be used for malicious purposes…
Computer Hacking – it is the act of bypassing ones account or database and hacking involves stealing of identity and use it in his/her own interest.…
Hacking is when a highly technical skilled individual or a group pass their way into a computer network or program without permission. This ends up in important data being stolen by the hacker which is illegal.…
Cybercrime is any crime that is committed online or through the use of an electronic device such as a computer or smartphone. Cybercrime is very broad and can be anything from stealing money online to downloading illegal files. The creation and distribution of viruses on to others computers is a very popular cybercrime. The most prominent cybercrime is identity theft through pharming and phishing techniques used by criminals to steal personal information. Cybercrime is increasing as technology increases because criminals are finding it easier to get personal information from almost anywhere. Not only individual electronic devices are being attacked, businesses are also becoming attacked where many people are falling victim.…
unauthorized access) has shown that the security of the computer system can be penetrated. This…
In approaching preventative mechanisms that are effective against hacking, it is very important that both awareness and attitude is first changed, and then perceptions of information security and how to secure data must be allowed to…
Regular stories featured in the media on computer crime include topics covering hacking to viruses, web hackers, to internet pedophiles, sometimes accurately portraying events, sometimes misconceiving the role of technology in such activities. The increase in cybercrime has been documented in the news media. Both the increase in the incidence of criminal activity and the possible emergence of new varieties of criminal activity pose challenges for the legal system, as well as for law enforcement. Some of the things I do to try and prevent falling victim to cybercrime is keeping the latest version of virus software on my computers. Using strong passwords that only my family knows. I do not fall prey to online offers of things like free TVs, or you have won $1,000.…
Protecting your personal information both on your personal computer and in other places such as your bank, or your job, has become more difficult with the massive growth of the internet and the expertise of some unsavory characters called hackers, crackers, and phreakers. Whatever they choose to call themselves, they are all thieves, plan and simple. Some people still question whether or not hacking should be illegal. It’s obvious that what hackers do is illegal. A personal computer is personal, and the information on it private. When a hacker invades that privacy, he is trespassing, and when they take your personal information, their committing a form of thievery. In addition to hackers, we now have marketers invading our privacy through the use of cookies.…
Hackers are people who hack into other people’s computers or electronic devices so they can take control over their things. A book titled Net Crimes and Misdemeanors written by J. A. Hitchcock takes us through many different aspects of how people take and control our things. She explains to us “When you’re connected to the internet, your computer is part of a worldwide network and anyone can try to connect to your system. The best way to describe it is by contrasting it to your television, a one-way communication mechanism” (Hitchcock 237). Hackers can reach any personal information located on an individual’s computer. Any accounts or credit card numbers in the system, they can get ahold of. We use many internet softwares today that can help prevent hackers, but not all the time. Hackers are extremely knowledgeable with computers and can find their way in. Hitchcock also gives us a little background information on when many viruses and softwares were introduced. She states, “…there was a good enough market for a security suite that included a personal firewall and antivirus capability. They were right. When NIS was introduced in December 1999, the U.S. retail market for internet security software grew more than 140 percent” (Hitchcock 236). Throughout the years, many software updates came out to help protect people and their information. The problem is that the more…
Misuse of this technology and the information accessible to online users can cause potential harm varying in severity. From spam, to cyber-stalking, the legal implications of various internet-related offences can result in fines and jail sentences. The purpose of the internet is to provide, and share information and data between computers. International boundaries are no longer a concern, which proves to be as useful as it is dangerous. Internet users all over the globe are able to act and figuratively hide behind their screens, with the use of anonymity. Anonymity poses a risk on the world wide web, users are able to create their own persona, develop and transfer data without an identity, and even pose as another. The internet may be misused by an individual through the use of anonymity. Untrackable viruses and bots can be created and spread through the wide synapses of the net, transferred from computer to computer through e-mail, downloading malicious files, and unauthorized access of ones personal computer, known as hacking. Another misuse of the internet is the act of copying someone 's work and claiming it as your own, also known as plagiarism. With thousands of documents, files and information readily available across the web on various websites, stealing another 's work is as simple as a copy and paste. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are similar, but not the same. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder, when material restricted by copyright is used without consent. On…
The authentication system (used during login) stores enciphered images of user passwords but not the actual passwords. This protects passwords from being divulged if an attacker happens to read the file.…
The world has been undergoing persistent transformation which some have been attributed to the changing developments in science and technology. In particular, information and communication technology is one of the most celebrated developments. Indeed, information technology has changed the lives of people across the globe. Information technology has reduced the world to a global village through fostering advanced communicationforms. However, with the advancements in information technology, especially the internet, insecurity issues have emerged. Insecurity issues have, in turn, sparked far reaching implications to the users. The most rampant security breaches that have been evidenced within the last six months include cyber bullying, network intrusion, cyber fraud, virus launching and data breaches.…
Unauthorised access to computer material with the intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences(Covers actions such as attempting to use contents of an email message for blackmail, or stealing credit card information…
To accomplish this act, most thieves find a way in which they can compromise a computer, they can do this by creating spyware in some sites we want to download files or software, when we try to open email attachments or click on pop-ups when we visit devious websites. This spyware is able to quietly transmit one’s personal information, which can include: Credit card numbers, Bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, usernames and passwords, address books, including email addresses while connected to the…
When a computer connects to a network and begins communicating with others, it is taking a risk. Internet security involves the protection of a computer 's internet account and files from intrusion of an unknown user.[1] Basic security measures involve protection by well selectedpasswords, change of file permissions and back up of computer 's data.…