A thief grew up in the small town of Torrance, California. Running from trouble at a young age assisted his success as a famous runner later in life. An eighth place finisher in the 1936 Berlin Olympics showed his changing lifestyle and cast him into the spotlight. Upon the arrival of WWII he enlisted in the Army Air Corps. While on a rescue mission, his plane plunged into the serene waters of the Pacific. After forty-seven days at sea, he was thrown into the depths of a POW camp. Over the next two years, …show more content…
Although the reader rejoices with every victory, they also live in trembling fear and agonizing pain. Being punched in the face 220 times is something the audience will not forget. “The first few punches, Louie stayed on his feet. But his legs soon began to waver….he blacked out...” (Hillenbrand 295). All throughout Unbroken, the reader feels as though they are there, experiencing Louie’s pain and suffering. The Diary of Anne Frank is an exemplary parallel to Hillenbrand’s Unbroken: the audience connects with the characters on a deeper level, almost as if they are in the story themselves. Just as the reader begins to lose hope for Louie’s restitution, he grants the glory of ending his internal war. “At that moment, something shifted sweetly inside him. It was forgiveness, beautiful, effortless, and complete” (Hillenbrand 386). Relief engulfs the reader as Louie escapes the grasp of excessive drinking, “The Bird,” and any haunting