At the beginning of Louie's life, he wasn't exactly …show more content…
During training and test flights, a bomber could die before ever seeing combat, so Louie not only trained his body for the unpredictable war, but he trained his mind as well: “He’d been in Hawaii for only two months, yet already several dozen men from his bomb group including more than a quarter of the men in his barracks had been killed” (83). Given a B-24D, Louie and his crew named the plane Superman; however, two missions later, the Superman riddled with bullet holes, made it time for a new plane. Now assigned to the Green Hornet, tragedy struck Louie and his crew on the very first mission and they crashed into the Pacific Ocean. When Louie awakened from his thick stupor, he immediately went into to action gathering the supplies and crew. Louie and the crew would go on to endure a forty-seven day venture stuck in the ocean, “We are going to die” (135). Like children who dream they can be whomever they want to be in life, Louie’s ambition focused with everything and never gave up, no matter what situation he was in. This shows that even though Louie went up against insurmountable odds like being stuck in the raft, he kept dreaming of being the runner he once was, being rescued, and not letting his mind rot unlike his