Theory & Rhetoric
Annotated Bibliography
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
1). Witt, P., & Behnke, R. (2006). Anticipatory Speech Anxiety as a Function of Public Speaking Assignment Type. Communication Education, 55(2), 167-177. doi:10.1080/03634520600566074. * Research Questions:
-Why does public speaking generate anticipatory anxiety?
-Is public speaking anxiety dependent on assignment type?
-How can anticipatory public speaking anxiety be controlled? * Key Terms: Public Speaking, Speech Anxiety, State Anxiety, Trait Anxiety, Assignment Type * Thesis: Most individuals who enroll in communication courses do so in order to improve their presentational skills and to increase the enjoyment that they derive from their communication performances. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Uncertainty Reduction Theory
* Case Studies:
-185 undergrads in entry level communication performance course
-171 undergrads in entry level communication performance course * Implications: Therapeutic Intervention, Pedagogical Application * Future Research Questions:
-Can anticipatory public speaking anxiety not only be controlled but eliminated?
-Is there any method that can help change trait anxiety as easily as state anxiety?
-How can a better understanding of trait anxiety help ease anticipatory anxiety?
2). Pratt, L., & Wiseman, R. (1999). Interrogative strategies and information exchange in computer-mediated communication. Communication Quarterly, 47(1), 46-66. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. * Research Questions:
-Is there a difference between face-to-face communication and computer mediated communication?
-How does age coincide with computer mediated communication?
-Are different styles of computer mediated communication dependent on geographical location? * Key Terms: Uncertainty Reduction, Asynchronous Communication, Interrogative Strategies, Question Typologies, Content Analysis * Thesis: Results suggest that the interrogative strategies we engage in to achieve interpersonal connectedness are sometimes different in computer-mediated communication (CMC) and a new standard for transacting relational message exchange may be emerging. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Social Exchange Theory * Case Studies:
-200 “epals” selected for content analysis of their emails to each other
-316 messages analyzed between 10 pairs of “epals” * Implications:
-People react differently to emails because they lack the requirement for an immediate response.
-The shorter the time between a sent and read email will increase the chance of response. * Future Research Questions:
-Why do “epals” want to know about others attitudes and opinions?
-Is the medium redefining the type of message we send?
- Is the quality of selective message construction found in asynchronous e-mail (Walther, 1996a) producing a new standard for interpersonal connectedness?
3). Goldsmith, D. (2001). A Normative Approach to the Study of Uncertainty and Communication. Journal of Communication, 51(3), 514. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. * Research Questions:
-How can uncertainty reduction theory be applied outside of stranger to stranger interactions?
-How do different communities treat uncertainty in communication?
-What are the different levels of uncertainty in communication? * Key Terms: Frequency of Communication Behaviors, Level of Uncertainty, Level of Relational Qualities * Thesis: A normative approach entails a shift in focus from measuring level of uncertainty to examining multiple and potentially conflicting meanings of uncertainty, a shift from measuring communication behaviors to evaluating communication practices, and a shift from predicting what people will do to predicting and explaining the effectiveness and appropriateness of what they do in response of uncertainty. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Critical * Case Studies:
-Puerto Rican Community
-Western Apache Community
-Malagasy Community
-White, College Educated North Americans * Implications:
-Uncertainty is a fundamental human experience.
-Different communities react to communication uncertainty differently.
-Uncertainty is not static there are many forms of uncertainty that need to be taken into consideration differently. * Future Research Questions:
-What can uncertainty in other cultures teach us about our own uncertainty?
-How has uncertainty in communication changed over time?
-How does the frequency of behaviors affect the overall uncertainty of a relationship?
4). Maguire, K. (2007). "Will It Ever End?": A (Re)examination of Uncertainty in College Student Long-Distance Dating Relationships. Communication Quarterly, 55(4), 415-432. doi:10.1080/01463370701658002. * Research Questions:
-How does a long distance relationship affect a person’s daily life?
-What kinds of uncertainty do long distance relationships lead to?
-How does an individual in a long distance relationship cope with stress compared to someone in a close relationship? * Key Terms: Coping, Distress, Long-Distance Relationships, Relationship Satisfaction, Uncertainty * Thesis: Research in the area of stress and coping suggests that a close relationship with a romantic partner helps individuals cope with stress * Theoretical Perspective:
-Uncertainty Reduction Theory
-Uncertainty Management Theory
* Case Studies:
-Undergrads from a South-Central college
-Norton’s Quality Marriage Index * Implications:
-Any relationship where the partner is too far to visit every day is considered a long distance relationship.
- Close relationships are more successful than long distance relationships.
-Uncertainty is not inherently problematic in long distance relationships * Future Research Questions:
-What can be done to ensure success in a long distance relationship in terms of uncertainty?
-Why is the visual/physical aspect of a relationship over power the uncertainty found in long distance relationships?
-How is relational uncertainty not inherently an unwanted state?
5). Brumfield, E. (2008). Using Online Tutorials to Reduce Uncertainty in Information Seeking Behavior. Journal of Library Administration, 48(3/4), 365-377. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. * Research Questions:
-How does asynchronous delivery differ from synchronous delivery?
-How does the length of the tutorial affect its overall effectiveness?
-How does the design of the tutorial affect its quantity of use? * Key Terms: Distance Learners, Distance Education, Information Seeking Behavior, Online Tutorials * Thesis: Information seeking behavior results from a determination of an information need and the realization that there is insufficient knowledge to address that need.. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Uncertainty Reduction Theory
* Case Studies:
-Wilson, Ford Research
-A&M University
-Stephen F. Austin University * Implications:
-The overall effectiveness of tutorials is dependent on a large number of variables such as visual appeal.
-The students skill and attitude play a big role it a tutorials effectiveness. * Future Research Questions:
-What can be done to help improve student’s attitudes towards tutorials?
-How has the introduction of these tutorials help reduce uncertainty in personal relationships?
-Can these findings be applied to cultures other than our own?
6). Rubin, R., & McHugh, M. (1987). Development of Parasocial Interaction Relationships. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 31(3), 279-292. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. * Research Questions:
-How do viewers become attached to specific television characters?
-Are there any universal qualities that attract viewers to characters?
-How can uncertainty reduction and uses and gratification theory help explain these character to viewer relations? * Key Terms: Social Interaction, Uncertainty, Interpersonal Communication, Television Characters * Thesis: This investigation explored the possibility of a parallel pattern of relationship development with media characters, applying principles from both uses and gratifications and uncertainty reduction theories to understand further the development of parasocial interaction relationships. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Uses and Gratification Theory * Case Studies:
- Parasocial Interaction Scale Survey Study
-The 15 Item Scale Study * Implications:
-Social attraction is key in developing parasocial interaction relationships.
-Attraction occurs through a great level of exposure to a character.
-Relationship importance is a construct that differs from attraction. * Future Research Questions:
-How can the findings of these studies be applied to network television?
-How does the uncertainty reduction theory apply to non face-to-face relationships such as in a television character?
- How can the results of these studies relate to the concept of market research?
7). Theiss, J., & Solomon, D. (2008). Parsing the Mechanisms that Increase Relational Intimacy: The Effects of Uncertainty Amount, Open Communication About Uncertainty, and the Reduction of Uncertainty. Human Communication Research, 34(4), 625-654. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2008.00335.x. * Research Questions:
-Why are there 3 competing mechanisms that affect the amount of intimacy in romantic relationships?
-Which of the 3 mechanisms is the most effective in romantic relationships?
-Are there any variables that interrupt the effectiveness of the 3 mechanisms? * Key Terms: Uncertainty, Intimacy, Interpersonal Relations, * Thesis: Uncertainty and its management hold a prominent place in the study of interpersonal communication. * Theoretical Perspective:
-Uncertainty Reduction Theory * Case Studies:
-Longitudinal Study Distinguishing Uncertainty * Implications:
-There is something inherently rewarding about the process in reducing uncertainty.
-Openness of communication about uncertainty has a positive impact on perceptions of intimacy.
-The uncertainty reduction process is perceived as rewarding in close relationships. * Future Research Questions:
-How can the findings of this study help intimate relationships in turmoil?
-Are there any other factors that affect intimate relationships outside of the 3 mechanisms discussed in this study?
-Are there any instances contrary to this study?
Bibliography: -Is the medium redefining the type of message we send? - Is the quality of selective message construction found in asynchronous e-mail (Walther, 1996a) producing a new standard for interpersonal connectedness? 3). Goldsmith, D. (2001). A Normative Approach to the Study of Uncertainty and Communication. Journal of Communication, 51(3), 514. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. 4). Maguire, K. (2007). "Will It Ever End?": A (Re)examination of Uncertainty in College Student Long-Distance Dating Relationships. Communication Quarterly, 55(4), 415-432. doi:10.1080/01463370701658002.