Sigmund Freud developed Psychoanalysis theory which emphasizes the key role that our unconscious forces play on behavior. An iceberg may be viewed as a metaphor to the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious mind. As an iceberg floats in the water, the small percentage of the iceberg that is seen above the water surface represents the conscious mind, while the larger mass below the water surface represents the unconscious mind, which remains unseen, yet holding the root and the foundation of the conscious mind and all awareness that is not present in the conscious mind.
On a physical level, human bodily functions are controlled through the brain, therefore, the mind, such as the breathing rate and the blood pressure. Although one can learn to control these functions and bring them into consciousness, the unconscious mind regulates these functions. The subconscious mind handles all of these processes simultaneously to maintain the smooth physiological functioning of the body. As the unconscious mind may be regulating the breathing rate, it is also regulating the blood pressure as one may try to recall someone’s name. Because numerous unconscious processes may run simultaneously, the unconscious mind does not have the ability to maintain a grasp of time nor of chronological order.
At the same time, there is a storage of memories of life experiences in the human mind, which one may not be aware of until they’re accessed through one’s mind. Because all memories, feelings, and thoughts are out of conscious awareness, it can be concluded that they’re stored in the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind also holds the guide to the everyday life. It is comprised of the presuppositions that allow people to normally carry out the daily functions in the world. The unconscious mind constantly supporting the conscious mind and allows one to function