Lista de substantivos incontáveis
Alguns substantivos incontáveis às vezes podem ser usados como contáveis. Líquidos mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, coffee, water, milk, tea, syrup, whisky, vodka, wine, soup, blood, oil, gasoline, alcohol, diesel, honey, beer, gravy, etc. Esportes soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, golf, tennis, baseball, horseback riding, rappelling, aerobics, athletics, etc.
Jogos e brincadeiras checkers, chess, bingo, poker, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, etc.
Elementos químicos oxygen, uranium, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, magnesium, etc.
Materiais cotton, jeans, silk, linen, rayon, terrycloth, wool, wood, plaster, gold, silver, platinum, brass, leather, glass, porcelain, steel, paper, etc.
Ramos da ciência mathematics, acoustics, physics, aeronautics, mechanics, linguistics, forensics, economics, history, literature, biology, trigonometry, etc.
Nomes de doenças cancer, malaria, syphilis, gonorrhea, chickenpox, meningitis, hepatitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.
Nomes de carnes beef, fish, pork, veal, mutton, chicken, bacon, etc.
Pó, grãos e partículas corn, rice, wheat, barley, oats, cornmeal, oatmeal, sand, popcorn, dust, flour, salt, sugar, etc.
Nomes de alguns alimentos ham, cheese, chocolate, bread, pasta, meat, butter, magarine, cabbage, lettuce, garlic, soup, broccoli, spinach, fish, etc
Sentimentos e emoções love, hate, fear, pride, jealousy, envy, greed, passion, hatred, etc.
Substantivos abstratos childhood, adulthood, friendship, peace, trouble, justice, sincerity, truth, honesty, patience, intelligence, progress, health, etc.
Substantivos terminados em ing writing, reading, listening, spelling, speaking, etc.
Substantivos que denotam nacionalidades terminados em ese, sh, ch e ss the Chinese, the British, the French, the Swiss, etc.
Nomes de alguns animais deer, moose, sheep, buck, trout, bison, moose, etc.
Fenômenos da natureza em geral