August 14, 2013
Alcohol is the easiest substance for teens to gain access to and leads to dangerous and risky behavior. Directly and indirectly, alcohol contributes to 75% of deaths amongst teens. Binge drinking amongst teens 16-18 years old is very dangerous and exceedingly prevalent. Research shows, teens primarily gain access to alcohol from their homes or the homes of their friends. In addition, studies have un-covered parents admitted to allowing their teen to drink alcohol while under their supervision. There are many myths about how serious the substance is and how parents need to react to consumption but overall alcohol is very serious and needs to be closely monitored.
Underage Alcohol …show more content…
Alcohol also can be linked to suicide because it is a form of depressant. Depression amongst teens is already common so adding a depressant increases unhealthy thoughts and diminishes any natural coping mechanisms. “Of the 5,000 alcohol related deaths among teens, 300 were suicide” (2012, March). Teens just do not have the life experience to react to depression as that of an adult. Their lives experience has just begun, and they are not aware of their capabilities or their will power. Mixing alcohol with a troubled teen is a recipe for disaster. It is like adding fuel to a fire. Parents need to watch out for signs of depression and especially keep alcohol away so any threats are not …show more content…
It is better for a teen to respect their parents and be cautious about alcohol rather than befriend their parents and jeopardize their life. No parent wants to bury his or her child nor should they have to. Parents must realize the seriousness about underage drinking and put a stop to it immediately, especially while under their supervision. Drastic and invasive measures should be taken to ensure the safety of their teen.
Kuntzman, G. (2005, Aug 09). Drinks on the house – Most teens get booze from their folks. New
York Post. Retrieved from:
Maffeo, R. (2002, 10). When the party 's over. Listen, 56, 12-14. Retrieved from: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2012, March).
Underage Drinking. Retrieved from populations-cooccurring-disorders/underage-drinking Temple, Jeff R, Shorey, Ryan C, Fite, Paula, Stuart, Gregory L, Le,Vi Donna. (2013). Substance use as a longitudinal predictor of the perpetration of teen dating violence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(4),