Accidents can have a huge effect on adolescents and it can likewise be lethal. Minors drinking liquor can make them drink and drive which can bring about a car crash. Underage drinking can expand the rate of auto crashes quickly. Then again, auto collisions are by all account not the only mischances that can influence young people. Different mischances that can be brought on by underage drinking are falling or getting run over. The lopsidedness that liquor has among adolescents can bring about these mishaps to be life undermining. The outcomes from underage drinking can have numerous negative impacts among teenagers and our communities.…
Underage drinking has affected many across the U.S. This topic has affected me personally in many ways, hence the reason I chose it. Throughout this project, I will discuss why underage drinking is such a problem, what my position is, courses of action, and possibly a visual to support the issue at hand.…
In European countries, the consumption of alcohol is more of a normal activity than in the United States. Growing in up in our country today teens want to drink alchohol more because they aren't supposed to have it. They see it as a sign of adulthood or maturity. So in order to gain this sense of adult-hood, they do things such as sneaking into clubs and bars or buying alchohol for their friends with fake ID's. This can lead to many predicaments because these teens have not been raised with any experience with alcohol, and they will not know how to handle it or act responsibly. Research has shown that most teens drink only to become intoxicated. So many of them binge drink; this is the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. Binge drinking can lead to numerous problems such as alcohol poisoning which can be deadly and require emergency treatment. This could be avoided if teens knew how to be responsible with drinking and were taught by their parents like other countries instead of being banned from it until the age of 21. Per capita the consumption of alcohol in countries such as France, Spain, and Portugal is higher than the United States, the rate of alcohol abuse and alcoholism is lower. This supports how people are more responsible if they are raised with alcohol as a part of every day life instead of hiding it until they believe that people are old enough to finally discover it…
At eighteen it is illegal to buy alcohol and if you are a daily drinker how else would people be able to get that same feeling if you were drunk. Teens could begin to become frustrated and need a back-up. Drugs such as marijuana, heroin is both illegal but yet people still use them as if they were legal. There is not an age limit for buying drugs. As a young teen under the influence of alcohol they have no control in what they do. So drinking with a group of friends may lead to an act of them doing drugs they have been doing in the past to a new alcoholic that’s a teen wants to try. Now days it becomes worse because they populations has grown an more teens are following the wrong foot steps in the wrong path and takes them off track an before they know it it will be too late and they have come addicted to using a drug that never occurred to them until alcohol was brought to the picture. Just thinking of using alcohol or drugs to solve problems that have other ways around it is just not the way to go. So do not make the choice to start drinking because it will get very much out of hand before even noticed and may lead to many more dangerous stunts and accidents that we do not want to come across in the…
There are many social factors that can cause one to develop alcoholism. Some include: peer…
"The Obsession With Alcohol: Why Are We Consumed with Underage Drinking?" The Elm. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <>.…
Particularly worrisome among adolescents is the high prevalence of binge drinking... Underage drinkers consume, on average, 4 to 5 drinks per occasion about 5 times a month. By comparison, drinkers age 26 and older consume 2 to 3 drinks per occasion, about 9 times a month. Underage drinking is a leading contributor to death from injuries, which are the main cause of death for people under age 21. Each year, approximately 5,000 persons under the age of 21 die from causes related to underage drinking. These deaths include about 1,600 homicides and 300 suicides…
In this context, alcohol becomes more appealing to them. According to Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology (, the higher the legal drinking age, the more teenagers are encouraged to drink in secrecy (1970). This theory is called the “forbidden fruit hypothesis”. Because alcohol is prohibited to minors, they like to show off consuming alcohol in front of their peers and prove that they do not take this prohibition into…
Too many teens drink and on average, they drink too much. Underage drinking has become a major problem in the United States.…
The Mercury News Writes an article about the negative effects of alcohol in young adults and argues that eighteen year olds are not mature enough to handle the backlash of being under the influence.(2011) Researcher of alcohol consumption in younger people, Kim Gibson states, “The younger population is into risk-taking and so if you wait for more maturity, you’re not matching the risk-taking with the alcohol consumption. ”(DeCeglie, 2011, 10 ) As young adults develop and mature they become more conscientious and aware of the way alcohol can truly affect them. By lowering the drinking age to eighteen we face the issue of potential alcoholism at a young age. If people are exposed to alcohol legally at a younger age, it will enhance the rate at which they consume and rely on alcohol.…
Recently, the current drinking age has become a major topic of discussion amongst Americans with whether it is too old or just right. Recent studies have shown that underage drinking has become a major problem in the United States, not only because it is illegal for them, but because people underage have shown they do not know how to drink in moderation and responsibly. Another reason the current drinking age should be maintained is because drinking has caused many problems on college campuses with the behavior of the students who drink on or near campus. Excessive drinking has caused many students consequences that they would not have had to deal with if they were not under the influence of alcohol is another reason to maintain the current drinking age. Lastly, underage drinkers do not realize the seriousness of drunken driving and seem to be a lot more liberal with driving after…
Alcohol is harmful to the development of younger people. Research has shown that an adult is less likely to binge drink (have five or more drinks in a row). According to statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, teens become intoxicated twice as fast as adults. Because the teens get drunk faster they are less likely to know when to stop and to go past their limit, causing harm to themselves and others.…
Drinking under age is a major problem now in days with teens like me. That think that it will help them deal with their problems back home but what we don’t know it can actually make everything way worse than what it already is. This is my experience on why I thought it would help and what it actually happen and how it just gave me more problems than what I already have and what I learn.…
It is a serious risk to the brain, which is still developing until twenty-one. In 2014, over 1.6 million people reported driving while drunk, or under the influence, that were between the ages of twelve and twenty (Underage Drinking). Although young adults tend to drink less frequently than adults, they often binge drink more (Underage Drinking). In fact, over 1.3 million people ages twelve through twenty reported binge drinking (Underage Drinking). Underage drinking is also responsible for more than 4,300 annual deaths, and is linked to 189,000 emergency room visits for people under age twenty-one for injuries and other conditions (Underage Drinking). Underage drinking increases the risk of physical or sexual assault, suicide or homicide, memory problems, the misuse of other drugs, and heavy drinking later on in life (Underage…
1. Many youngsters drink due to social status or peer pressure, but the consequences are always fatal.…