Cross infection – When working with children you are venerable to picking up and also carrying infection. It is important to keep up to date with your own immunisations for diseases. Cross infection is an infection spread from one organism to another because of poor barrier protection. Cross infection can occur anywhere groups interact with one another and are a potential problem in all settings. Within my setting we follow the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 that states all waste such as nappies, blood, faeces etc are disposed being double wrapped in bags and then put into the bins outside. . E coli, tummy bugs can cause serious illnesses that are easily transmitted by the germ on hands; they can make you very unwell so it’s really important that hands are washed regularly before and after any activity that could cause cross infection and wearing gloves when appropriate especially if having to clean toilets after accidents.
Systems for the disposal of different types of waste - The most important way to reduce the spread of infections is hand washing – always wash regularly with soap and warm water.
Ways that we can reduce or slow the spread of infections & cross infections include
• get the appropriate vaccine
• wash your hands frequently
• stay home if you are sick (so you do not spread it to other people)
• cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing
• use single-use tissues for