1.1 Describe a range of causes of dementia syndrome
There are several causes of dementia some of them are; a stroke, brain disease, MS, certain medications, shrinkage of the brain, too many opiates over a long period of time and severe alcoholism 1.2 Describe the types of memory impairment commonly experienced by individuals with dementia
Dementia can cause the sufferer to experience loss of mental ability, loss of memory, a reduced understanding, and judgement. Dementia can also cause problems with language. 1.3 Explain the way that individual process information with reference to the abilities and limitations of individuals with dementia.
In the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, people have varying degrees of self-awareness. Some people are very aware of their limitations, making them feel sad for the way they are now and making them worried about the future. In general, as the disease progresses, the level of self-awareness will most likely decline. In the earlier stages of the disease, the person you care for may deny or not understand that they have the disease. This can result in them not realizing their own limitations in their abilities, such as driving. As well, the person you care for may believe that they are completing tasks which are now being done for them. For example, they may think they have made the bed when someone else has. As their self-awareness declines, so will their ability to express their thoughts and feelings accurately. 1.4 Explain how other factors can cause changes in an individual’s condition that may not be attributable to dementia
Many people become forgetful as they become older. This is common and is often not due to dementia. There are also other disorders such as depression and an underactive thyroid that can cause memory problems. Even a simple water infection can cause an elderly person to become