Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning
Within my specialism of learning and teaching I teach a session on the Introduction to the Private Security Industry. At the beginning of the session I would put people in pairs to discuss what they think security is and what qualities are needed to be a front line security operative with emphasis on what they think they can bring to the role. Each learner will then feedback on each other’s behalf on what qualities they believe is necessary for the role. I find that by the end of this activity they have relaxed a little and start to bond as a group. This is also the perfect opportunity for me to begin my observation and assess who will be forthcoming and who will not.
I follow this process by delivering a session on personality characteristics to help identify some of their own personality traits. I assess their knowledge by instigating a group discussion about the subject matter and discuss areas like assertive, passive, and aggressive behaviour. I ask questions to identify their understanding and invite learners to write their findings and thoughts on the whiteboard. This is followed by an exercise where I give them handouts with scenarios and get them to distinguish the appropriate behaviour and tick the answer they think is right. I make sure that I clarify that this is not a test - it is an exercise and that we will go through the hand-out together at the end and discuss each one as a group. I have found this to be a good way of getting learners to participate and voice their opinions in a safe and non-threatening setting.
The results have invariably been positive and very interactive. I am continuously observing and encourage less confident learners to participate by asking open questions that are aimed at their specific individual needs and levels. By doing this I am able to gauge their understanding.
I then move on to the channels of communication. Again I ask them