The team needs to be aware of all the children situations, to all work in the same direction and provide a common and strong support or pace of action. Moreover, through observing kid’s needs, the team can share what they have spotted and thereafter set the play setting according to their needs, likes and dislikes. At the same time, the team is responsible to act collaboratively to keep the space safe and “organised” for the kids to enjoy fully of their time to play and take the most of it, for the same reason the team needs to be ready to respond, trigger and challenge to children’s cues.
2.Briefly explain the role of playworkers acting as advocates for play. (3 marks)
As advocates for play, we have to enrich the child’s play environment by:
• offering, encouraging and providing play opportunities taking into account their individual and collective needs,
• Providing equal opportunities for every kid no matter their backgrounds or health conditions.
• Listening to their interests and ideas, responding to their requests and challenging,
• Supporting and enriching their development.
• Observing any indicator that may suggest they are suffering from any abuse or being neglected and take action to protect and help them.
• Developing a child centre approach and self-directive play
3.Explain three different methods a playwork team can use to support children and young people’s play.(3 marks)
•OBSERVATION: observing children in their play process to see:
- Their development (social, emotional, individual, intellectual,..)
- Check the resources provided to support their needs. Assessing, afterwards, these observations to improve the weak points and enhance the strong ones.
- Check we have displayed enough resources and whether the set plan is useful and cover kid’s needs.
- Observe our intervention towards