1. Understand the role of the employment related services sector
The role of the sector is helping, assisting and advising the unemployed back into work/employment nationally.
During this economic downturn we know from labour market Information, which we receive via an email from the Jobcentre, that there very few vacancies for the amount of unemployed in our region, although this happens throughout the country, I work within a more localised area, being the south area of Sunderland where there are high areas of deprivation and high state benefit figures.
However we do deal with more citywide projects and government based initiatives examples of these are Jobcentre plus, direct.gov, Job Linkage, Connexions, Gates and Sunderland North Community Business Centre, SES (Sunderland Enterprise service) and local training providers such as the CoSC to name but a few.
2. Understand the Programmes and services delivered in the employment related services sector
There are many different employment related programmes available to the unemployed such as Mandatory Work Activity Programmes, this is an early intervention programme via the job centre. Clients are referred towards voluntary work for a period of 4 weeks for a min of 30hrs per week and travel expenses are paid for, this replaces older welfare to work programmes such as New Deals and Employment Zones. Although the Work Programme also offers long term commitment enabling the provider to build relationships with Clients and Contractors alike. Payments are released from the government on start ups, job outcomes after a period of 3 or 6 months and sustainment payments every four weeks when the Client stays in employment for up to a year.
I also work in partnership with local Forums whereby representatives are invited to present to local groups and charities in order to get their support to sign up to the MWA as a business who will help the