The intention of this reflection is to raise a personal awareness of patients who have a chronic diagnosis and the importance of identifying potential issues surrounding their care. The model of Bowers (2008) will used to structure and guide the reflection as it allows for an accurate analysis, whilst acknowledging both good and bad practice. This model promotes forward thinking as well as retrospective study by future recommendations and the use of an action plan, which is an important part of professional development. Other models were considered such as Driscoll&Teh(2001) and Stephenson(1993), however due to the reflection being patient focused they appeared to ask questions that were aimed at the writer and very little about the patient. Throughout the research it has become apparent that patients’ with chronic illnesses have to endure and over come many personal compromises in order to sustain some quality of life, however occasionally these compromises are life saving. Experiencing this event and undergoing a detailed reflection of this situation has allowed for a far deeper understanding of patients’ experience of a renal failure diagnosis, and how they adapt to the gruelling regime that is haemodialysis.
Fronek et al (2009) believe critical reflection creates a direct and personal dialogue between the practitioner and their practice regardless of role or educational background. Allowing practitioners to locate and evaluate their relational activities with patients’ plays a vital role in the development of training, and essentially throughout a professionals’ career(Fronek et al,2009).
The pseudonym Mabel will be used in this reflection to protect patient anonymity and maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council(NMC)(2008).Whilst on a day shift on a renal unit I was asked by my mentor to begin the initial pre-dialysis assessment which included recording of weight and the first
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