Teacher: Joydeep Dutta
Romaniuc Speranta Liliana
The word “principle” is coming out from Latin “principium” who means beginning, foundation. A principle is a law or a rule that has to be, or usually is to be followed, or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something. Many laws have been passed witch prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation or age disability. Treating a category of peoples less well than others, making assumption about people or stereotyping, are discriminatory practices. The carer must prevent all that’s and protect the user services giving respect, independence and autonomy.
1.1like principle of support we have: respecting individuality, dignity, and individuality rights, independence, choice, support and attention, confidentiality.
Promoting anti-discriminatory practice (in the towns and cyties are becoming more multicultural and ethnically divers)
Confidentiality of person information’s is a right of every individual including service users. There are legal requirement under the data protection to keep the personal records confidential
Promoting and supporting the peoples rights
Promoting effective communication (ability to communicate with service users and colleagues is an essential part of being a carer Acknowledging individuals personal beliefs and identities (in a multi ethnic and multicultural society, it is important that care staff are aware of people cultural differences, respect them and help to maintain their individual identities.
1.2The procedures to protect the users of helt and social care are the responsibility of the staff
They have to protect the users of the services from health and safety issue, to protect the disable, the right of people from abuse and from illness and infection.
The health and safety at work dangers can by represented by a wet floor, the rearrange of the