There are two new world leaders China, in manufacturing sector and India, in service sector. Large number of white collar jobs are waiting for suitable candidates. Indian youth force, behind the progress of India, is mainly engaged in IT. India is a leader in software.Software industries in India are continually offering white collar jobs besides some blue collars.
India is also world leader in BPO (Business process out sourcing) and KPO(Knowledge process out sourcing). Large number of call centers are contributing to the industries and trades of America the US, UK, Australia, Japan, European Union, Canada and many other developed countries. BPO sector needs large number of blue collars. KPO industries require and offer white collar jobs.
IT industries has seen a tremendous boom in India. This industry has employed large number of educated youth with handsome salary. Normally, IT is the highest paid sector. Management, banking, finance, retail, telecommunication, entertainment etc. are some other new sectors that helped India in her tremendous growth.
Typical problem
These sectors has started facing atypical problem. Despite a large number of educated youth, there is a shortage of skilled manpower. This is the dilemma. There are unemployed youths and the companies are facing shortage of manpower.
A recent survey throws light on the problem, problems with the educated youth. They are mainly lacking three types of skills.
1. Comunication skill
2. Analytical skill and problem solving
3. Domain.
While in interview approximately sixtypercent candidates